Repair of Opel Corsa C, from 2000 to 2005 release.
1. Operation and maintenance of the car
2. Engine
2.1. Petrol Z10XE, Z10XEP, Z12XE, Z12XEP DOHC-I engines
2.2. Mechanical part of petrol Z10XE, Z10XEP, Z12XE, Z12XEP DOHC-I engines
2.3. Cooling system
2.4. Lubrication system
2.5. System of injection
2.6. Petrol engines – the general procedures of check
2.6.1. General information
2.6.2. Check of loss of pressure in the engine (engines of 1,4-1,6 l)
2.6.3. Check of loss of pressure in the engine (the engine of 1,8 l)
2.6.4. Check of a compression (engines of 1,4-1,8 l)
2.6.5. Check of tightness of the engine (contents WITH in the cooling system)
2.6.6. Measurement of a consumption of oil
2.7. Mechanical part of the engine
2.8. Test and repair operations of components of a mechanical part of the engine
2.9. Cooling system
2.10. System of injection of fuel of petrol engines
2.11. Lubrication system
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Schemes of electric equipment



2.6.3. Check of loss of pressure in the engine (the engine of 1,8 l)

Removal of the case of the air filter
Open a cowl.

The components removed at dismantle of the air filter: 1 – fastening bolt; 2 – inlet collector; 3 – socket of a plait of wires of the sensor of a mass consumption of air; 4 – case of the air filter

Before the procedure of check warm up the engine up to the working temperature (oil temperature – 80 °C).

Turn off a nut of fastening and disconnect a mass wire from the rechargeable battery.
Remove the case of the air filter and an inlet collector.
Disconnect the socket of a plait of wires of the sensor of a mass consumption of air.
Turn off a fastening bolt, remove a collar and an inlet pipe of the air filter.

Removal of a forward cover of a gear belt
Turn off two bolts of fastening, disconnect the top latch and remove a forward cover of a gear belt (top).

Fastening of a forward cover of a gear belt: 1 – forward cover of a gear belt; 2 – fastening bolts; 3 – latches

Extend a forward cover of a gear belt up, for a ledge (the shooter in the drawing).

Uncover the ignition module in the direction of the arrow represented on it.

Removal of a cover of the module of ignition: 1 – fastening bolts

Note the provision of an arrow on a cover.

Having turned off 2 bolts, remove spark plugs, using the KM special tool 6009.
Uncover a broad tank of cooling liquid.
Take out the oil probe.
Lift the car.

Removal of the right boryzgovik of the engine
Turn off 4 bolts of fastening and remove the right mudguard of the engine.
Remove two rivets established on a body.

Components, heads of the block of cylinders uncovered at dismantle: 1 – right mudguard of the engine; 2 – fastening bolts; 3 – rivets

Installation of a bent shaft in the provision of the top dead point (TDP) of the piston of the cylinder No. 1
Turning a bent shaft of the engine in the direction of rotation, install the piston of the cylinder No. 1 in the provision of the top dead point (TDP) (a tag 1).
Lower the car.

Installation of a bent shaft in the provision of the top dead point (TDP) of the piston of the cylinder No. 1: 1 – tags

Apply 3 tags on one of cogwheels of a cam-shaft and combine tags on both wheels.

Combination of tags on cogwheels of cam-shafts: 1 – tags

Each tag has to be displaced on 90 ° rather next tag.
Connect a pressure drop tester to system of supply of compressed air.
Calibrate a pressure drop tester.
Include prvy transfer and the parking brake system.

Wheels have to be in contact with the earth.

Screw a connecting detail in a carving opening of a spark plug of the cylinder No. 1.
Give compressed air to the cylinder.
Pressure drop check
Define value of pressure drop.
The maximum admissible pressure difference between cylinders – about 10%.
The maximum loss of pressure in the cylinder – 25%.

You monitor any visible leak of compressed air in inlet and final collectors and a case.
Pay attention to bubbles in a broad tank of cooling liquid.

Turn a bent shaft on 180 ° in the direction of rotation of the engine (corresponds 90 ° turn of a cogwheel of a cam-shaft) and install the piston of the cylinder No. 3 in the provision of the top dead point (TDP) (previously put tag).
Connect a pressure drop tester.
Screw a connecting detail in a carving opening of a spark plug of the cylinder No. 3 and give compressed air to the cylinder.
Define value of pressure drop.
The maximum admissible pressure difference between cylinders – about 10%.
The maximum loss of pressure in the cylinder – 25%.
Turn a bent shaft on 180 ° in the direction of rotation of the engine (corresponds 90 ° turn of a cogwheel of a cam-shaft) and install the piston of the cylinder No. 4 in the provision of the top dead point (TDP) (previously put tag)
Connect a pressure drop tester.
Screw a connecting detail in a carving opening of a spark plug of the cylinder No. 4 and give compressed air to the cylinder.
Define value of pressure drop.
The maximum admissible pressure difference between cylinders – about 10%.
The maximum loss of pressure in the cylinder – 25%.
Turn a bent shaft on 180 ° in the direction of rotation of the engine (corresponds 90 ° turn of a cogwheel of a cam-shaft) and install the piston of the cylinder No. 2 in the provision of the top dead point (TDP) (previously put tag)
Connect a pressure drop tester.
Screw a connecting detail in a carving opening of a spark plug of the cylinder No. 2 and give compressed air to the cylinder.
Define value of pressure drop.
The maximum admissible pressure difference between cylinders – about 10%.
The maximum loss of pressure in the cylinder – 25%.

Installation of components
Lift the car.
Establish an engine mudguard.
Lower the car.
Insert the oil probe into an opening.
Establish a cover of a broad tank of cooling liquid.
Establish spark plugs by means of the KM sptsialyy tool 6363 and tighten the moment 25 N · m.
Install the ignition module, having replaced 4 laying.
Tighten two bolts of fastening the moment of 8 N · m.
Establish an ignition module cover.
Establish a forward cover of a gear belt.

Check correctness of installation of a cover.

Tighten two bolts of fastening of a cover the moment of 6 N · m.
Install the case of the air filter, tighten a bolt of fastening and fix a collar by the moment of 3,5 N · m.
Establish an inlet pipe.
Connect the socket of a plait of wires of the sensor of a consumption of air.
Connect the rechargeable battery.
Tighten a nut of fastening of the plug.
Program transitional memory.
Close a cowl.

"on the page back
2.6.2. Check of loss of pressure in the engine (engines of 1,4-1,6 l)
on the following page"
2.6.4. Check of a compression (engines of 1,4-1,8 l)