Repair of Opel Corsa C, from 2000 to 2005 release.
1. Operation and maintenance of the car
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
8.1. Features of a design
8.1.1. Central and door locks
8.2. Hinged elements
8.3. Body glazing
9. Schemes of electric equipment



8.1.1. Central and door locks

Blocking of doors and other knots is carried out by the executive mechanisms working from the onboard power supply network. The central blocking of doors includes the separate locking modules mounted on the general arm at doors.
The central module is installed below before the driver's seat in E-boxing. In order that to dismantle it it is necessary to remove the left overlay of a floor and to lift an upholstery.
Handles of all doors are removed equally. Ahead in the handle the lock cylinder is built in. On cars with remote control the cylinder of the lock is installed only at the driver's doors, at the passenger's doors instead of the cylinder there is a cap.
To remove the cylinder of the lock it is necessary to weaken an arm with all elements (the lock, the loudspeaker, the central blocking and the mechanism of a window regulator).

"on the page back
8.1. Features of a design
on the following page"
8.2. Hinged elements